International Exhibitions:
- Zürich, Kunst Salon Schweiz, December 2014.
- RTVA, Radio TV Andalusia Gallery, Seville, Wild Mirror, April 2014
- Garabato Fest, Illustration of one paint of the Classic Art Seville 2014.
- Berlin, Divas Kollektive, Eva Mirror with Divas, October 2013.
- Doctor B, Pitacasso, Calabaza Mecanica, Antojo, 2011- 2013 Sevilla.
- Al-Xaraf Grallery, Sevilla 2011.
- Portugal, La Casa Azul, Magig Being Magic, 2010.
- 16 International Exhibition Arts, Vendas Novas,Portugal, Al-Xaraf Gallery, October 2010.
- Zaragoza, Spain, Iternational Art Exhibition with Al-Xaraf Gallery.
- Berlin, Big Pain, Big paint... Paint Wall 3x3 m2 with Laika in Spukk Kommune, September 2010.
- Lady Fest Sur 2009, Sevilla.
- The Garden Project, shop and art in 2003 to 2007.
- Anima, Taberna and Gallery, Sevilla 1999 and 2008.
- Sala Rey Chico Granada, Collective, 2009.